Monday, December 15, 2008

Letter to Anita McBride, Assistant to George W. Bush and Chief of Staff to Laura Bush

"Why did an Iraqi journalist throw his shoe at George Bush? Is our president so little respected in that land to which he fancies himself liberator? What could he possibly do between now and his departure to disprove the preponderant moronic presence that he has projected to the world?"

Not the first letter I've written to the White House. They have, as one might suspect, never responded to any of my queries.

1 comment:

  1. i would love to see the form letter you receive back from the white house!
    dear mr. garcia: many thanks for your inquiry. at this time we are not able to respond to all sarcastic rhetorical questions in specific, so please visit to see a number of answers devised for that purpose. best wishes in the new year! unemployment checks and bailouts to all, and to all a goodnight!
    the office of the prez
